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Holden Water and Sewer Advisory Board Meeting
30 September 2010

Attendees Present:
Water Sewer Advisory Board Members - Scott Carlson, John Michalak, Joe Pridotkas, Ken Lipka

Absent:  Brian Forts, Anthony Renzoni

Others Present: James Shuris – Director of Public Works,
James Zingarelli - Town Engineer, Steve Madaus -Town Counsel

Recording Secretary: Marlene Whipple

Audience Attendees: Al Berg

Motion: by Scott Carlson to accept the August 12, 2010 Water Sewer Advisory Board Minutes. Motion accepted.  

 1.) Public Address: Jim Shuris stated to the board that the purpose of the Water Sewer Advisory Board was to discuss and make recommendations from the Agenda, which will be followed by a written letter sent to the Town Manager, Nancy Galkowski. She will then make any recommendations to the Board of Selectmen.

 Motion: by Scott Carlson to change the order of the agenda and to start with Sewer Capacity discussions and to allow Town Counsel to participate in these discussions.  Motion accepted.

   2.) Discuss Sewer Capacity- Steve Madaus started off by explaining to the board his reasoning for being part of this discussion. He suggested the town does not have to accept a moratorium at this time - but that the town should adhere to the agreement with DCR pertaining to available sewer allotment.  *See attached.   

The town’s current sewer usage has not exceeded the allowable allotment on paper and does not currently pose any public health concerns.  The number of homes that have been paying a sewer assessment and have not yet connected to public sewer have all been accounted for in the calculation of sewer capacity.  In addition, the approved subdivisions that have not yet tied in are also included.  Mr. Madaus also suggested that we revisit the approved subdivisions and their time limits fore connecting to water and sewer.  Mr. Madaus also suggested that the town might want to re-visit the agreement with DCR and others. *See attached.

The administration highlighted four (4) main points:  revisit our sewer agreement; protect our limited resources; develop a policy for determining what happens when we get to the end of our sewer allotment with DCR.
     3.) Discuss Budget and Year End Projections- With only two months of revenue and expense data we recommend that we wait until the end of September 2010 to get a better picture of where we stand.  This will be addressed at our next meeting.  However, overall revenues are higher than last year.   

      4.) Discuss status of the Water & Sewer Rate Report- CDM continues to work on this report.   It is expected to be complete by the end of October or early November.

     5.) Discuss Construction projects and status- Two (2) new booster pumps purchased – one for Highland Tank and the other for Sycamore Tank – using SRF funds.  The existing pumps will be refurbished for use as back-up pumps.

The Highland Tank is complete.  

The permanent patching for Mayflower Circle will be completed in early October 2010.  

The Mason Wellfield is currently out of service and is in the process of being redeveloped.  The corrosion control project is also in progress.

The Chapin Tank project has not started.  This project will start in early October and will be completed before the end of 2010.

      6.) Open questions and discussion- Jim Shuris mentioned that effective May 2011 thru September 2014 there may be a state-wide Mandatory Water Ban in effect between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM for non-essential water use.